USVI Powerlifting    Federation

Welcome to our site!!


  • ADEL - WADA's Anti-Doping Education and Learning platform Via the new ADEL platform, WADA will provide education and learning opportunities for the anti-doping community worldwide; including: athletes, coaches, parents, medical professionals and more. Additionally, on ADEL, anti-doping practitioners will be able to find learning opportunities to help them carry out their roles; and, resources to support development of their anti-doping programs. - Source: WADA ADeL website
  • ADEL program has been rebranded and relaunched as of 2021. The new platform and the education content will be fully responsive to allow users to learn via desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile phone. You can also access learning offline via the mobile app ADEL by WADA. **Note for USVIPF athletes - it's important when you register you ADEL account that you list the following information:
  • Sport: Powerlifting (IPF)
  •  Country: Virgin Islands, U.S.

How to complete WADA ADeL requirements?

1) Register for an account to get an ADeL login 

2. Login into ADeL and the courses required for your respective role will be listed for you.

3) Complete USVIPF's WADA ADeL course completion form

3. **Deadline for completion of respective ADeL courses is five days prior to the preliminary nomination date for the respective IPF calendar event (s) the USVIPF member wants to participate in for a calendar year.

ADeL app - access ADeL training via your mobile phone or tablet for online/offline training.

ADeL certificates - please submit your certificates here once you complete ADeL training.

    ADeL website login 

FAQs for ADeL - search database to ask questions about ADeL

*** USVIPF members who are participating in any capacity in an  IPF Calendar events to include World Championships are required to complete WADA ADeL training for their respective role, i.e. athlete, coach, parent, sport physician, other medical personnel, student, or other."

USVI Powerlifting Federation. P.O. Box 304643St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands 00803 

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